One Minute Introduction

Blammo introduces a new way of logging. The general goal is to make logging easy to do and easy to test, and at the same time, take it seriously. Developers are normally not exposed to a Blammo based API. Instead, they have to deal with annotations, some conventions and common sense.

This project exists of a number of components. You may not be interested in all of them, so here is an overview as a guide:

Blammo Core
A very simple API, and some SPIs for extending Blammo. (Note that your code will never use the core API to log messages directly. Instead you can use the core API to construct a dedicated logger from your own event definitions.)
Blammo Maven Plugin
A Maven plugin for generating dedicated loggers from your logger interfaces. Note that future versions of Blammo might include a mechanism to construct these implementations at runtime, but since J2EE isn't particularly happy with dynamic byte code generation, you will still need a mechanism to generate implementation classes in a pre-compilation phase.
Blammo Samples
A couple of examples showing the relevance of tools like Blammo, and a message catalog example.

The figure shown below highlights the difference between ordinary logging APIs and Blammo's logging API. If you are using traditional logging API's, then there is a fair chance that your API resembles the Log4j, JDK Logging or Commons Logging API. In fact, there is a fair chance that you are dealing with these API's specifically.


The figure shown above shows the interfaces that you would use. It also displays the API that your code would use to log messages using Blammo. It is the interface. Note that - instead of having a long list of all sorts of logging operations - this interface merely has two operations. One to log divisions by zero. And another one logging DataSource problems. This doesn't mean you can only log DataSource or division by zero problems. Instead, it means that you can basically can define the interface of your logger in way that makes sense, and reflects its purpose.

Also note that the Blammo interface has typed operation parameters. Instead of having operations accepting the formatted message, and an array of untyped objects, Blammo is able to enforce type checking. (This will effectively prevent Dates to be formatted with non-Date formatting patterns.)

Using Blammo, you can basically define your logging API completely on your own. The [Blammo Maven Plugin ] mentioned above will generate the blue classes. The responsibility of the 'blue classes' is to check if the message should be logged at all, and if it should be logged, format the message appropriately. This is the class that will take the messages to log from a ResourceBundle, and substitute parts of the messages with parameters send in via your own dedicated logging API.

Having said that, this is about where the responsibility of the 'blue classes' end. It will not handle the message itself, but instead pass the message on to a BlammoLog implementation. These BlammoLog implementations adapt existing traditional logging API's to a fairly limited interface used by the generated 'blue classes'.

Normally, ordinary mortals should not be dealing with these 'orange classes' at all. In fact, they should not even worry about the 'blue classes'. The only relevant class to worry about, is about your own logging interface. Everything else is done by Blammo.